Just like the million others who is living under the same sky, I'm just trying to find that significant one to write my own fairy tale stories...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Low resistance, High current!

It is nothing new to find out that I have low resistance level. I’m just frustrated at how low my resistance is when it comes to spending money.

Last week, YY sms-ed about the Amore Good Friday promotion where one can extend their membership for another year at a cheap rate. I thought hard about it since I wasn’t really using much my Amore membership anyway. However, unable to say no to such a promotion, I signed up anyway. Now my bank is couple of hundreds poorer. That is not to mention I got myself a hip scarf meant for the belly-dancing class and another sport top.

I make the resolution to go for Amore more often since I had extend my package and I have not yet stepped into the outlet after last week lesson. I checked my records and realized that I had gone for about a grand total of 9 classes for these few months.

I felt like a sucker throwing my money away every month. Colleague M says that I should put my workout into my schedule and that way I can’t use busyness as an excuse.

Now, that is a really brilliant idea until I give in to my laziness again.

YY help me!

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