Just like the million others who is living under the same sky, I'm just trying to find that significant one to write my own fairy tale stories...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Health and Vanity

So the story goes...

I brought YY to meet GH's relative working at Amore as she mentioned that she's looking to purchase a spa package. I kept telling myself not to be tempted. However, it seem like my resistence to tempt is non-existence and I ended up signing for both the spa and fitness.

Although, I had spent a lot, I'm getting excited about returning back to amore classes. That's not to mention that I get to date YY frequently again.

Yy, be prepared to receive my SMS and calls! :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

How time flies!

Another year had passed since my last birthday entry. Sadly, this will be the last year of my twenties entry before the big 30 hits me.

A lot had happened within the year. I had finally left my last job, found a new one, gotten married and travel to the places that I'd been dreaming of. It is indeed a wonderful year.

I was browsing through a friend's facebook profile just days ago and saw the many birthday wishes left on her wall. I began to wonder if I would receive just as many. Now, I'm beginning to think that is a silly thought. My wall is flooded with msg! Much more than what I would have expect. I'm indeed blessed with good friends, students, a wonderful husband and a job that I like.

Turning 29 just can't be much better at this moment.

Happy 29th Birthday to myself!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Good Boss, Bad Boss

I'm sure everyone dreamt of working under the prefect boss. Someone who is understanding and a great mentor. But how many of us did actually work under a great boss.

A conversation with A today sent a chill down my spine that the once our Boss can be such a person. This makes me wonder what does the boss treat the subordinates as? Working machines, slaves or human beings who have their needs? When will the Boss ever learn that its perception does not equate to others perception? Why are some being punished (in my opinion) just because family comes first? Or what is so wrong in taking and using the benefits that the company has offered to its staffs? If they are not legitimate, why are they being offered?

I'm actually pretty glad to have make my choice last year as I can say that I had not made the wrong decision. I may not be working under the prefect boss right now but it is definitely a big improvement.

At the very least, I can say 'Family comes first' and it always will.

So don't feel sad A. You did nothing wrong. It will only get better from here onwards!